What You Need To Know Before Taking A Vedic Maths Course

What is Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic math is a system of mental calculation techniques from ancient India. It is based on a collection of sutras, or aphorisms, that were designed to help people perform arithmetic calculations quickly and easily. These sutras were compiled in the Vedas, which are ancient Hindu scriptures that contain a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of techniques.

One of the key principles of Vedic math is the use of base 10, which is the basis for the decimal system that is used in most modern societies. This base 10 system allows for easy calculation of large numbers and the use of place value.

In addition to using base 10, Vedic math also utilizes a number of other techniques to make calculations easier. These include:

  • The use of finger counting to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition and subtraction.

  • The use of special symbols to represent numbers and operations, is similar to the way that Roman numerals are used in modern mathematics.

  • The use of patterns and relationships between numbers to simplify calculations.

One of the key benefits of Vedic math is that it allows people to perform complex calculations quickly and easily, without the need for a calculator or other specialized tools. This can be especially useful for people who are working with large numbers or need to perform calculations on the fly.

In addition to its practical uses, Vedic math is also considered to be a form of meditation, as it requires the practitioner to focus their attention and concentration on the task at hand. This focus and concentration can have a calming effect on the mind and can help to improve overall mental clarity and focus.

Overall, Vedic math is a fascinating and useful system of mental calculation that has its roots in ancient Indian tradition. While it may not be as widely used as modern arithmetic techniques, it is still an interesting and valuable system that is worth exploring for anyone interested in mathematics and mental calculation.

What you need to know before taking a vedic maths course?

If you are considering taking a Vedic math course, there are a few things that you should keep in mind:

Prerequisites: Some Vedic math courses may have prerequisites, such as a certain level of mathematical proficiency or familiarity with basic arithmetic operations. It is important to check the requirements for the course you are interested in and make sure that you meet them. Let's check out all prerequisites below-

Course format: Vedic math courses can be offered in a variety of formats, including short workshops or seminars, part-time evening or weekend classes, full-time immersive courses, and online courses. It is important to choose a course format that is convenient and suitable for your schedule and learning style.

Course materials: Make sure to find out what materials will be provided for the course and what you will need to bring with you. Some courses may provide all the necessary materials, while others may require you to bring a calculator or other tools.

Course goals: Before enrolling in a course, it is a good idea to have a clear understanding of what you hope to learn and achieve. Do you want to improve your mental calculation skills, increase your focus and concentration, or simply have fun and learn something new? Knowing your goals will help you to choose the right course for you .

Instructor qualifications: It is important to choose a course with a qualified and experienced instructor. Look for instructors who have a strong background in Vedic math and who have been trained in the teaching of this subject.

Overall, there are a few key things that you should consider before taking a Vedic math course. By doing your research and choosing the right course for you, you can ensure that you get the most out of your learning experience.

What is the duration of a vedic maths course?

The duration of a Vedic math course can vary depending on the provider and the format of the course. The vedic maths course price depends on these criteria. Here are a few different options:

Short workshops or seminars: These courses may last for a few hours or a full day, and are designed to introduce students to the basic principles and techniques of Vedic math.

Part-time evening or weekend classes: These courses may last for several weeks or months, and are usually held once or twice a week for a few hours at a time.

Full-time immersive courses: These courses may last for a few weeks or several months, and are usually held from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. These courses may be more intensive and provide a more in-depth learning experience.

Online courses: These courses may be self-paced, allowing students to complete them at their own speed. Alternatively, they may have set schedules with live sessions or set deadlines for completing coursework. 

Overall, the duration of a Vedic math course will depend on the provider and the format of the course. It is important to choose a course that is suitable for your schedule and learning style. Also, keep in mind that vedic maths course price depends on the type of program you opt for.

What are the benefits of taking a vedic maths course?

There are many benefits to taking a Vedic math course. However, choose the program after considering the vedic maths course.

Here are a few:

Improved mental calculation skills: By learning Vedic math techniques, you can improve your mental calculation skills and perform complex calculations quickly and easily. This can be especially useful for people who need to perform calculations on the fly, such as business owners or people working in finance.

Increased focus and concentration: Vedic math requires the practitioner to focus their attention and concentration on the task at hand. This focus and concentration can have a calming effect on the mind and can help to improve overall mental clarity and focus.

Enhanced problem-solving abilities: Vedic math teaches you to look for patterns and relationships between numbers, which can help you to approach problem-solving in a more logical and systematic way.

Increased confidence: By mastering the techniques of Vedic math, you may gain a sense of accomplishment and increased confidence in your ability to perform complex calculations. 

Fun and enjoyment: Many people find that learning Vedic math is a fun and enjoyable way to challenge their minds and learn something new.

Cultural and historical perspective: Vedic math has a rich history and cultural significance, and learning about it can provide a new perspective on the history and traditions of ancient India.

Overall, taking a Vedic math course can be a rewarding and enriching experience that can benefit you in a variety of ways. Whether you are looking to improve your mental calculation skills, increase your focus and concentration, or simply have fun and learn something new, a Vedic math course may be the perfect choice for you. Choose the course wisely after looking into the vedic maths course.

How to improve at Vedic maths?

The sixteen sutras of Vedic mathematics provide a unique and efficient way to perform mathematical calculations, and can help you perform mathematical operations faster and more accurately. With a good vedic maths course , it is easy to learn this art of maths. 

Here are a few tips on how to become good at Vedic mathematics:

Start with the basics: Before diving into more advanced calculations, it's important to have a solid understanding of the basic principles of Vedic mathematics. This includes understanding the 16 sutras and how they can be applied to different types of mathematical operations.

Practice regularly: Like any skill, becoming proficient in Vedic mathematics requires consistent practice. Set aside sometime each day to practice different types of calculations using the Vedic method.

Learn from a teacher or mentor: Vedic mathematics can be difficult to learn on your own, so consider working with a teacher or mentor who has experience in the subject. They can provide guidance and help you understand the principles better.

Work on different types of problems: To become truly proficient in Vedic mathematics, you should practice working on a wide range of mathematical problems, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more complex calculations.

Focus on understanding the underlying concepts: Vedic mathematics is not just about performing calculations quickly, but also about understanding the underlying concepts that make the calculations possible. By understanding these concepts, you will be able to apply them to more advanced problems in the future.

Practice mental math: The vedic system is heavily based on mental math and visualization, so start practicing mental math exercises like mental multiplication and trying to visualize the calculations in your head.

Be persistent: Learning Vedic mathematics is not always easy and you may encounter difficulties, but don't get discouraged. The key to success is to be persistent and to keep practicing, even when things get challenging. With consistent practice and the right mindset, you can become proficient in Vedic mathematics.

By following these tips, you can start to develop a solid understanding of the principles of Vedic mathematics and build your skills over time. Remember to stay persistent, and with enough practice, you'll start seeing the results.


Sutras are a collection of aphorisms that were created to assist people make arithmetic calculations more quickly and easily. Vedic mathematics is a system of mental calculating methods that originated in ancient India. It is based on a collection of sutras that were designed to aid people. The Vedas, which are ancient Hindu texts, are where these sutras were collected. The Vedas include a great deal of information on a broad range of topics and are considered to be a storehouse of wisdom. The usage of base 10, which is the foundation of the decimal system that is used by the majority of contemporary cultures, is one of the fundamental tenets of Vedic mathematics. This method, in conjunction with others like counting on one's fingers and making use of unique symbols, makes it possible to easily calculate big numbers and to simplify computations that were previously difficult to do. With the various advantages it is time to pursue this course.







